The Student in Question

Monday, July 3, 2017

Things You Need To Learn About Your First Year of High School

Heyyo! Since my first day as a second-year High School student is less than a week away, I'm going to tell you stuff that I've learned, realized, and stuff that slapped itself on my face in my first year as a high school student.

1. Friends are temporary. You might just be over friendly, but don't overdo the friendship thing. Limit your friendships. You are at school to study, not to make friends. Besides...
2. You can't trust everybody. I had a lot of best friends. In fact, we were one squad. But only 3 had proven to stay by my side. Others bullied me, backstabbed me, did all sorts of bad stuff. In the end, I didn't know what to do, what was real or not. I realized, you cannot trust anyone. Just you.
3. Grades are really important, but they aren't everything. This was one thing our teacher keeps telling us. Your grades doesn't define you. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't push yourself to work hard on it. I regret 2 things in my first year. One is I slacked off and became overconfident with my grades. Another is, I let jealousy take over due to grades, and it ruined a lot of friendships.
4. Take charge if necessary. If everything is going haywire, and no one is taking action, yet you know you can, DO IT! Don't let the teacher see the mess. Even if your classmates hate you for it, do it for the greater good.
5. Be memorable....In a good way. You don't want to go to your reunion, and people will talk to you like, "You remember our first year, and you pranked me so bad you got suspension?" Be a memorable person, but you don't need to do extreme things or bad things. You can be that disciplinarian president. Or the class Walking Dictionary. Anything that you can leave a good mark in people's minds.
6. Take risks that are worth it. Have a talent in singing, but is shy to try for the club auditions? JOIN THE AUDITIONS. Want to be a muse but you feel you aren't pretty enough? BOI THAT'S A ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY! This another thing I regret in my first year. I played it safe. Then I longed to get that thing, but I missed the chance. Take risk. Step out-no- BUNGEE JUMP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE!
7. Don't just get in to a relationship. Being in a relationship isn't easy. Especially if you are still studying. You need to commit. You need to be serious. If you
a) Don't know the true meaning of love.
b) Isn't mature enough.
c) Have bad self-management skills
d) Have grades that are barely passing or below average
or e) All of the above
DON'T GET INTO A RELATIONSHIP, DUMMY. If you're crushing on someone at your school, that might just be puppy love.. They'll get ugly when they grow up. Research say crushes/infatuation lasts from 3 months- 1 year. If it get past that, it's either love or you need a psychologist. Focus on your studies first.
8. Don't let others bring you down. You can't do it, they said. Meh, don't listen to them. Nelson Mandela once said, "It always seems impossible until it's done." Don't prove them right by not doing it. Prove the suckers wrong.
9. Plan for the future.  Plan ahead. Think ahead. You won't get stressed.
10. Be YOU-NIQUE. Be FLAWESOME. Don't be someone you are not. Don't be insecure. Be confident. Be you. Embrace your flaws. Like they said, "If life gives you lemons, make some orange juice and surprise people how you did it."

There! that's 10 of the thousands of stuff I've learned in my 1st year in this crazy stage. Live a good life, and stay tuned for my next post!

-Mara <3

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Things You Need To Learn About Your First Year of High School

Heyyo! Since my first day as a second-year High School student is less than a week away, I'm going to tell you stuff that I've learn...